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C-DICE Wins First Prize at the EDI in STEMM Research Conference!

C-DICE Wins First Prize at the EDI in STEMM Research Conference!

We are delighted to announce that C-DICE has won the first prize at the EDI in STEMM Research Conference, where all participants were invited to submit posters showcasing innovations and projects on EDI work in research and scholarship.

This one-day conference focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in STEMM subjects, with a special emphasis on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in research. Organised by EPSRC EDI+ Fellows in collaboration with Durham, Loughborough, Northumbria, and Nottingham Universities, the conference provided practical approaches to embedding EDI values in research and shaping research applications.

Our submission was titled ‘Anticipating Delegate Needs: Reflections on Inclusive Practices at the National Postdoc Conference’ – detailing our efforts at NPDC23 where we embedded diversity and inclusivity thinking in all our processes when designing the conference. The poster showed some of the key interventions implemented – some that have even been adapted and included in other events!

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