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Meet the team

Dr Kathryn North profile photo

Dr Kathryn North

C-DICE Director

Loughborough University

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Kathryn is Director of C-DICE and Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Climate Change and Net Zero at Loughborough University.  She has held the positions of Head of Researcher Development at Loughborough, Head of Skills for the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) and she leads the skills programme for HyDEX, a £5m programme to develop a hydrogen economy in the midlands. Kathryn’s background is in Biology; she gained her PhD at Lancaster University in 2004 and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, prior to joining Loughborough in 2007 as researcher development manager.  Through C-DICE, Kathryn is driving a… [Read more]

Sharon Henson profile photo

Sharon Henson

C-DICE Project Manager

Loughborough University

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Sharon is the C-DICE project manager. Sharon has been at Loughborough University since 2006 and in that time has managed the Systems Engineering Doctorate Centre and the SUPERGEN SuperSolar Hub and Network +. Sharon has also provided project management for a number of engineering research and enterprise projects, most recently REPOINT, an innovative railway track switch. She also undertook a two and a half year secondment as a research associate on a European/transatlantic project in systems engineering. [Read more]

Dr Lennie Foster profile photo

Dr Lennie Foster

Skills Manager

Loughborough University

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Lennie Foster is responsible for leading the development of Phase 2 of the ERA Learning Academy, growing the talent pipeline in Energy research, to include doctoral and post-doctoral researchers and beyond. Lennie joined Loughborough University in 2017, first as part of the Research Quality and Visibility Team, and then as a Research Development Manager in the Research Development and Support Team. Lennie gained a PhD in Systems Biology from the University of Warwick working with researchers in the Life Science and Computer Science departments. [Read more]

Karen Parks profile photo

Karen Parks

Training Hub Development Manager

Cranfield University

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Karen joined C-DICE as the Training Hub Development Manager in 2022 and is responsible for developing a wide range of training opportunities and pathways for postdoctoral researchers and industrial partners. Karen has 30 years of experience in education and training. Most recently, Karen has led the Secondary Science teacher training programme at Middlesex University, including responsibility for co-ordinating training for teacher educators. Karen is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and has extensive experience in leading and managing CPD programmes as part of the STEM Learning agenda. [Read more]

Amy Beierholm profile photo

Amy Beierholm

Development Strand Project Manager

University of Birmingham

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Amy Beierholm is the C-DICE Development Officer, based at the University of Birmingham. Amy comes to C-DICE via PLEXUS (Priming Laboratory EXperiments on infrastructure and Urban Systems, a UKCRIC project linking the UKCRIC facilities) and Liveable Cities (Transforming the Engineering of Cities to Deliver Societal and Planetary Wellbeing), as Project Manager. She has also supported iBUILD (Infrastructure Business models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery), Assessing the Underworld and Pipebots (Pervasive Sensing for Buried Pipes). In university, she studied mechanical engineering and aeronautics. [Read more]

Karishma Joshi profile photo

Karishma Joshi

Project Administrator

Loughborough University

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Karishma Joshi is the C-DICE Project Administrator. Karishma has worked for Loughborough University as a School Finance Administrator since 2013. [Read more]

Professor Sergio Cavalaro profile photo

Professor Sergio Cavalaro

Academic Leadership

Loughborough University

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Sergio is a civil engineer with 15 years of experience in building materials and structural engineering research and practice. His areas of research encompass innovative manufacturing processes for construction (Hybrid 3d printing), structural design, building materials (UHPC, FRC and other advanced cementitious composites), advanced modelling of cementitious materials performance and production processes (FEM, DEM, CFD), and durability (reinforced concrete corrosion and sulphate attack) applied to delivery and maintenance of infrastructure and buildings. [Read more]

Professor Monica Giulietti profile photo

Professor Monica Giulietti

Academic Leadership

Loughborough University

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Monica Giulietti is Professor of Microeconomics and Head of the Economics Discipline Group at the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. She is an associate fellow of the Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge University and of the Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia. She is a research fellow of the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE). Monica has been a member of Department of Energy and Climate Change panel of technical experts for the Electricity Market Reform. Her research focuses on competition and regulation in wholesale and retail energy markets, and models for decentralised energy storage. [Read more]

Dr Vivien Chow profile photo

Dr Vivien Chow

Academic Leadership

Lougborough University

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Vivien joined Loughborough University in June 2017 as Lecturer in Construction and Project Management. Previously she was a Research Associate at the University of New South Wales and undertook her PhD studies at the University of Hong Kong. Her PhD explored the politics of engagement, specifically how power relationships play out during public engagement processes for urban development projects. In September 2022 Vivien joined the academic leadership of C-DICE, the Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure Cities and Energy.   Vivien’s current research interests fall under the following broad areas: public engagement and stakeholder management; risk management of critical infrastructure;… [Read more]

Professor Chris Rogers profile photo

Professor Chris Rogers

Academic Leadership

University of Birmingham

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Chris’s research into future cities has focussed on sustainability, resilience, liveability and smartness, and has resulted in a suite of methodologies to support a new Theory of Change for infrastructure and urban systems. He led the Urban Futures consortium yielding a methodology to test the resilience of a city system intervention, and also led the Liveable Cities programme grant, exploring future cities in relation to individual, societal and planetary wellbeing. He chaired the ICE’s Research, Development & Innovation Panel from 2010-2020 and was a member of the Lead Expert Group of the UK Government Foresight Future of Cities project. [Read more]
