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C-DICE International Early Career Researcher Networking Sprint-Nepal

C-DICE International Early Career Researcher Networking Sprint-Nepal

Nepal Sprint

Creating a network in planning tools and models for developing and using enhanced planning tools to incorporate eCooking, fuel stacking, and improved financial data.

The two-day international sprints will bring together postdoctoral researchers from a range of institutions to form diverse, interdisciplinary teams aimed at tackling critical challenges associated with achieving reducing global carbon emissions. The sprint will focus on fostering international collaboration, with participants identifying specific challenges and developing plans for creating networks that drive impactful solutions, addressing the unique challenges faced by developing nations while contributing to global net zero targets. The sprints will conclude with team pitches, with the best proposals awarded funding to support network development, future collaborations and funding applications.

Two international sprints will be held in March 2025 at the following locations:

  1. Nepal
  2. Rwanda

To find out more, visit our website





05th to 06th March 2025


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