Career Coaching for Postdoctoral Researchers – starts 2 Feb 2024

Programme overviewThis bespoke career coaching programme will lead you through the spectrum of career activities and enable you to make informed career choices and decisions. Running for six weeks, the programme will consist of three key parts: Network development and marketing yourself will also be included in this training programme. Time commitment:Weekly sessions of 1.5-2 hours along with 30 minutes each week of pre and post session preparation and follow up. To maximise the benefits of this programme, the requirement to attend all of the sessions and complete the pre and post session work will be compulsory. In the event of oversubscription, we will inform you whether you have secured a place on the training programme. Benefits to University employers:• Tailored and targeted career development support to research staff (Concordat, 2019) Benefits to postdoctoral researchers:• Increased self-awareness and clarification of current career situation (Concordat, 2019)
• Opportunity to reflect on and consider what this means and a place to start or progress career planning (Wellcome, 2020)
• Opportunity to investigate whether, and how, to make changes, if desired – taking control of career (Concordat, 2019)
• Access to tailored career development opportunities relevant to identified areas via engagement with career professional/training (Concordat, 2019)
Dates and times:2 February 2024, 09:30-11:30
9 February 2024, 09:30-11:00 (with optional time to 11:30 for gap tasks)
16 February 2024, 09:30-11:00 (with optional time to 11:30 for gap tasks)
23 February 2024, 09:30-11:00 (with optional time to 11:30 for gap tasks)
1 March 2024, 09:30-11:00 (with optional time to 11:30 for gap tasks)
8 March 2024, 09:30-11:00
There will be further, optional, opportunities for one-to-one coaching in late March 2024 for those who have completed the training programme.
Eve Uhlig:Eve has 15 years’ experience supporting researcher’s career development, via designing and implementing bespoke mentoring programmes, career development programmes and 1:1 career coaching sessions. In addition to a Master’s in Career Guidance she holds two professional coaching qualifications and is a member of an independent professional practice coaching group ‘Coaching Connections’. Registering for this programme:You can register using the booking link below and you must also complete the pre-course Microsoft form: Register your interest |
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