EDI Conference in STEMM: “What Does EDI in STEMM Research Mean?”

A one-day conference focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in STEMM subjects, with a special emphasis on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in research. Organised by EPSRC EDI+ Fellows in collaboration with Durham, Loughborough, Northumbria, and Nottingham Universities, the conference aims to provide practical approaches to embedding EDI values in research and shaping research applications.
This conference is open to all participants, including postgraduate research students (PGRs), post-doctoral research assistants (PDRAs), early career researchers (ECRs), established researchers, and all the staff that support them.
The conference will be hosted in a hybrid format.
All participants are invited to submit posters showcasing innovations and projects on EDI work in research and scholarship. These posters will be displayed electronically in a virtual gallery. All attendees will have the opportunity to view the posters and vote for their favourite using an online voting system. We will ask for your name to ensure only one vote per person.
Palatine Centre
Durham University
United Kingdom
12th September 2024