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What are C-DICE Micro-credentials?

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Micro-credentials are fully flexible credentials that you can pick and choose to help build your own bespoke researcher development pathway.

C-DICE Micro-credentials are awarded via Inkpath as Badgr. badges. Badgr. badges are the world’s fastest growing digital credential network, one of the most popular open source digital badges. They are trusted by Over 25,000 organisations, spanning 160 countries, empowering millions of learners.

What value do micro-credentials add?

They help you develop new skills and update your old ones by undertaking short courses or boot-camps. Meaning you can up-skill with out sacrificing your research. Also, Industry leaders are known to look for these on resumes and in LinkedIn profiles and they can be used as evidence of training as Sam Pering states below:

“I took part in a training course on video-making that led to a C-DICE micro-credential. Having this proof on my training record helped provide more detailed discussion during my annual review, enabling me to demonstrate proof of the training and adding authenticity to the training provided – as it required me to complete activities to obtain it rather than just attend a session. This evidence not only applied for my internal review, but also provides evidence as I put together an application for chartership.”

Sam Pering, Department of Materials, Loughborough University

Why are micro-credentials and digital badges important?

Digital badges provide personal, portable and easily verifiable accreditation.

They can help accelerate your professional development by helping you quickly eliminate skills gaps.

Micro-credentials offer an exciting, effective way to continually train and develop your skills.

C-DICE Micro-credentials on offer

C-DICE micro-credentials are validated by our advisory board, made available by digital badge provider Badgr via our Inkpath platform. Application for C-DICE micro-credentials is by invitation only, they will be offered to participants who have undertaken certain C-DICE training or development activities (see details below).

Process Engineering for Zero Carbon Emissions

Awarded to postdoctoral researchers who have attended the Process Engineering for Zero Carbon Emissions at Cranfield University. This Micro-credential supports a key aim of C-DICE, to facilitate the sharing of expertise across our network.  It provides an opportunity for postdocs to attend highly technical training, work in a collaborative way across sectors during and after the course, identify, analyse, and evaluate the principles and processes in process engineering and reflect on learning.

Collaborative and Innovative Research Proposal Creation

Awarded to participants of the C-DICE sandpit series that have developed innovative and plausible response to a problem associated with the net-zero agenda.

Create and deliver training to share expertise in a net zero related research field

Awarded to postdoctoral researchers who have co-created an effective training session (such as a workshop, webinar, training event or conference presentation) and delivered this training opportunity to other researchers working to meet the net zero challenge.  This Micro-credential supports a key aim of C-DICE, to facilitate the sharing of expertise across our network.  It provides an excellent opportunity for postdocs to communicate research, maximise reach and impact and enhance professional skills and experience.

Create and deliver a workshop for a national audience of researchers

Awarded to postdoctoral researchers who have designed, delivered and evaluated an interactive and engaging workshop (such as a conference workshop) aimed at a national audience of doctoral and/or postdoctoral researchers. This Micro-credential supports a key aim of C-DICE, to facilitate the sharing of expertise and to develop high level researcher skills across our network. It provides an opportunity for recipients to communicate to a national audience, maximise reach and impact and enhance their professional skills and experience.

Designing and Planning a Major National Conference

Awarded to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who join a Steering Committee (or equivalent) for a national conference to provide their input regarding conference design and planning.

Industry Consultancy

Awarded to participants who have gained experience in working on real world problems in a consultation capacity.

C-DICE Peer Reviewer

Awarded to participants who have gained experience in the grant proposal assessment and award process.

Video Impact: Videography

Videography micro-credential is awarded to participants of C-DICE videography training programmes that have developed some expertise in producing video to communicate ideas and research. 

Peer Reviewer for C-DICE Fellowship Proposals

Awarded to participants who have gained experience in the grant proposal assessment and award process.

Video Impact: Advanced Videography

Awarded to participants of the C-DICE video impact training programme that have developed advanced level expertise in producing video to communicate ideas and research.

Video Impact: Bootcamp

Awarded to participants of the C-DICE video impact training programme that have developed some expertise in producing video to communicate ideas and research. 

Developing Innovative Research Networks

Awarded to participants of the C-DICE Early Career Researchers Networking Sprints who have developed innovative network proposals that address net zero challenges.

Fundamentals and Applications of Hydrogen Energy Systems

Awarded to participants of the C-DICE Fundamentals and Applications of Hydrogen Energy Systems training programme with an understanding of hydrogen as a key component in the global transition to sustainable energy. The course is designed for professionals, students, and industry stakeholders seeking knowledge in the hydrogen value chain: hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and applications in a variety of sectors.

Embedding EDI in Research – Planning, Proposals, and Practice

This micro-credential certifies completion of the Embedding EDI in Research: Planning, Proposals, and Practice eLearning toolkit on embedding Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in research. It signifies skills in integrating EDI principles into research design, proposals, and practices, contributing to inclusive, impactful research in energy and net-zero fields.

How to apply for a micro-credential

Complaints and Appeals Procedure

Notification of awarding a micro-credential will be given to candidates with 25 working days of them submitting their application including all supporting documents. Please do not instigate the Micro-credentials Appeals and Complaints Procedure until after you have received a decision on the awarding of the micro-credential you have applied for. Under exceptional circumstances it may take longer than 25 working days for a micro-credential to be awarded, however if you have not received a decision with this time-frame please email the C-DICE team at who should be able to give you a revised estimated time-frame. If you are unhappy with the decision made by C-DICE regarding the awarding of a micro-credential that you have applied for please follow the Micro-credentials Appeals and Complaints Procedure.

Micro-credentials Appeals and Complaints Procedure.

  1. If you are unhappy with the result of your application to be awarded a micro-credential, please write a short summary (250 words maximum) of why you disagree with the decision including any extenuating circumstances that you think should be taken into consideration.
  2. This summary should be emailed to with the subject heading of “Micro-credential Appeal”.
  3. A member of the C-DICE will acknowledge receipt of the appeal via email within 10 working days.
  4. Your complaint will be reviewed by a C-DICE academic who will make a recommendation to the project partners.
  5. The project partners will have the final stage in determine if the appeal is upheld.
  6. A member of the C-DICE team will inform you of the decision no later than 30 working days after the C-DICE team notifies you that your complaint has been received.
  7. Documentation received and reviewed during the appeals and complaints procedure will be kept on file for no longer than one calendar year from receipt of the last piece of documentation and will be destroyed by before the end of the RED funded period (30/06/2025).
  8. All decision made by the project partners are final. You may request information pertaining to this review up to one calendar year after submitting your last piece of documentation or before the end of the C-DICE RED funded period (30/06/2025) whichever is soonest upon which time all documentation will be destroyed.