C-DICE placement – open call for funding

The Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE) is pleased to announce an open call for short-term (up to one month in duration) placement proposals. These collaboration awards are an opportunity for Postdoctoral and Early Career Researchers to engage with the C-DICE network, which brings together 18 higher education institutions (HEIs) from across the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) and the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC).
This call for proposals is made possible by a grant from the Research England Development (RED) fund allied to in-kind commitments from the collaborating HEI partners. The maximum placement duration is 1 month at 1.0 FTE or equivalent (i.e. 22 working days) and minimum placement duration is 10 working days. Funding is available to cover travel, subsistence and/or consumables costs related to a PD & ECR placement up to a maximum of £1,500. The C-DICE fund will contribute 100% of these costs. Salaries will be paid by the home institution as part of its commitment to fund personal and professional development of PD & ECRs (e.g. under UKRI or similar grants) or its pledged in-kind contribution. [In cases where this would require a no-cost extension to an EPSRC grant, EPSRC has agreed to grant this automatically on request.] C-DICE aims to fund 80 of these placements over its 4-year duration ending 31 December 2024. The selection process is managed by the C-DICE Development Strand, led by Professor Chris Rogers and managed by Amy Beierholm at the University of Birmingham.
To apply, register on Inkpath an search for opportunity DPAB0001