Making time for postdocs to develop with a no-cost extension!

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By Sharon Henson, C-DICE Project Manager
Here at C-DICE we recognise that post-doctoral researchers are key to some of the biggest challenges in reaching net zero carbon.
We also know the value and importance to researchers of training and development for their current role and next career move.
However, as a researcher with the pressure of deadlines, deliverables and papers to write, how do you find the time for career development? Furthermore, for principal investigators, you know it is important to develop your research team, but it can feel like a trade-off with the inflexible deadlines of grant funded research.
C-DICE are developing a number of interventions to support post-doctoral researchers working in the areas of net zero carbon in cities, energy and infrastructure such as training, secondments and placements. These secondments and placements can benefit researchers in providing career development opportunities as well as technical skills beneficial to their current and future projects. We are also looking at initiatives to make these opportunities as accessible as possible.
But how to find the time?
C-DICE has consulted with our colleagues at UKRI and are pleased to report that we have agreed, that as part of a C-DICE pilot, no-cost extensions will be approved where extra time is needed for the training and development of the post-doctoral researcher on the project.
A post-doctoral researcher may have time ‘bought out’ from a research grant of up to 12 months, the time commitment can be flexible between 0.2 and 1FTE. PIs and post-doctoral researchers at any C-DICE partner HEI, working in the area of cities, infrastructure, energy or net zero on an EPSRC grant are eligible. A specific set of words agreed with UKRI can be simply inputted on Je-S by research officers and principal investigators to activate a no-cost extension.
Depending on the success of this pilot, C-DICE will look to reach out to other funding bodies. Do contact us if you would like C-DICE to approach your funder.
Contact C-DICE for further information and/or a copy the exact wording to be used.